ANHI is an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) .ANHI Products from an OEM are normally cheaper thanks to economies of scale. As the Industry partners with others to manufacture goods in large numbers, both the price and production time are significantly reduced. While the products are cheaper and deliver the same features and performance. An OEM is free to produce equipment based on its own specification and designs, and the manufacturing equipment bears the brand name and logo of the OEM.
Before delivering a solution to end-users, companies figure out the best way to serve customers’ needs. They evaluate several options such as whether to buy, manufacture, build, or partner with someone to design the solution. By partnering with OEMs, our Industry can minimize the investment in manufacturing and reduce production and material costs while gaining expertise in product design as well as a shorter product life cycle. While concentrating on their core competency, organizations can still build products using best-of-breed components.