Health Safety and Environment

Health Safety and Environment

                                                (HSE) HEALTH SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT

The ANHI industry is committed to continuous improvement of its OH&S Management System for the achievement of a healthy, safe, and conducive environment. We are highly concerned about providing a healthy and safe environment to our employees to avoid any hazards. Relevant Health & Safety regulation. ILO (International Labor Organization) Conventions related to Health & Safety Workplace Standard’s requirements

To sustain this commitment, the requirements are comprehensively mentioned in the
document of occupational health & safety management system of OHSAS 18001:2007.
his policy is documented, implemented, maintained and communicated at all level within
the company and is available to public for their interest.

Align the requirements of OH&S with all other business disciplines and ensure that they
are subject to performance measurement and continuous improvement.
Ensure that occupational H&S strategies, priorities and action plans are integral part of
annual business planning process
Set annual measurable OH&S targets and objectives for all operations, and at the group level,
to ensure OH&S culture, continuous improvement, and compliance with requirements.
Communicate and share successful practices and lessons learned from incidents, to
continually raise awareness and act preventively.


About anhi_user

ANHI Industry is an original equipment manufacturer for the Best Surgical, Medical, Dental ,Orthopedic instruments .Our Industry exports to the global healthcare industries through its multitudes of distributors and offices.

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